Yesterday I was very excited to tell a good friend of mine about a new venture of mine. It all involves me helping another friend’s company succeed more. With a big smile and genuine enthusiasm for me, the great friend said “listen to you toot your horn. “.
This got me thinking…
Should one “toot their horn” and to whom should they toot it? During the conversation it took a turn to confidence and depression. Two very real things even little ‘ole me deals with. I do believe that everyone deserves a little empowerment and a boost of ego for time to time. Whether it be from tooting, or a “way to go”, encouragement helps.
Right now I have the largest and most awesome support system I have ever had in my entire life. They rock! I would not be where I am today nor where I am going tomorrow without them. So when something really cool happens, I tell them about it. When they have something happen, the return the gesture. We toot and empower each other to succeed and push their boundaries anytime we can. It is what friends are for, and we stick together.
There is a fine line between tooting your horn and boasting. Don’t be a boaster. If you are in something only for the glory, you sound pompous, and nobody likes it. Be genuine and you will go farther. Be just as active as a listener as you are a talker.
While I am selective on who gets to hear my horn tooting, it can benefit the speaker and the listener. We are here to empower one another. We should listen to both the ya’s and whoa’s. When one talks about their recent accomplishments or goals, it solidifies them and shows what they are capable of. Plus it will show more of a direction of where they are going. It empowers the speaker to go beyond and the listener (if being a true listener) to empower themselves as well. Even though some listeners do not care, they are but mere observers in life. When a person sees something going right with another they have two choices; they want to help more or to sabotage it. Which direction will you go?
*Side note. To the one who gave me this idea. Thank you! You are a great friend and an amazing person. Go rock the world today.